Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Big Paradox

A logical a statement that contradicts itself; 'I always lie' this is a paradox because if it is true it must be false. ???

The big paradox:

You live in a world of duality and yet you are one with everything in that can that be?

Only by raising your consciousness will you begin to understand this paradox.

Here is short animated video I am sure you will enjoy.

If you are ready to adventure into higher levels of concsciousness, discover your "True Self" and your connection with God....I can help.

Ask me how.

Steve Hart

Saturday, July 18, 2009

God, the Transformer

Why is it that the God of the Old Testament is described as a jealous or angry god?
Then in the New Testament God is expressed through Jesus as a God of mercy and love?

Did God Change?

Is He both an angry and a loving god? Maybe God has a dual nature?

I confess in my younger years I believed this. When I read both the Old and New Testament I thought God had a dual nature…..Boy was I wrong!

The truth is....God does NOT change! We change!

God does not have a dual nature…..we do!

We all have an ego (which is attached to this world) and a spirit (which is attached to God).
All jealousy, anger, pain and suffering are produced by your EGO which is defined as Edging God Out.

If God appears to have a dual nature… that only your ego’s perception of Him.

Face it, your ego separates you from God. It has caused you confusion and it obstructs your true understanding of God...for God is love, peace, and joy. Therefore it is YOU that has to transform NOT God. He is the Transformer! Only He has the power to transform YOU!

Knowing God is a life changing experience. If you have “Awakened” or as Jesus explained it, been “Born Again” (John 3:3) then you will experience radical transformation!

To “know” God is to experience and understand Him in a personal way. To “know” God is NOT just knowledge. Many religious people have a great deal of knowledge about God but do they really “Know” him?

Look at it this way. Your relationship with God is like being in a marriage. Being in a relationship with someone is a life changing experience. I can say I “know” your spouse but that is not true unless I live with them and experience a daily relationship with them like you do, correct?

If you say you know God and your life has NOT changed then I suggest you take a good look at your relationship with God. To know God is love and experience a daily relationship with Him.

Do you know the voice of God. Do you communicate with Him through spirit? Has He changed your life?

Let your soul cry out to God and the Spirit of God will set you free from all pain and suffering. He will give you love, peace and joy. “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Rom 12:2

Steve Hart

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


If you know your personality type through the Enneagram and you want to know more....

I have taught several classes on the power of discovering your personality type through the Enneagram. People are amazed how powerful this ancient program in self-discovery.

Now I am going to teach an advanced class for those who want to learn how to use the Enneagram to further their personal/spiritual growth.

“To Know Thyself”
is the beginning of all love, joy and happiness.

The Magic of Self-Discovery

Empower yourself with the wisdom of the Enneagram.
This workshop will take you to a deeper understanding how you can use the Enneagram to transform your behavior, thinking, compulsions, relationships, change your belief system and take you to higher levels of consciousness.
Learn the secrets of the Enneagram from expert, Steve Hart.

Workshop, Saturday, July 25th, 2009
4:00 Pm to 6:00 PM
Admission FREE!
Love Offering will be taken.
“What You Love To Do” 602 Brevard Ave. Cocoa Village, FL 32922

My Best Yet...

My most recent workshop on "Power vs. Force" was my best yet….

After the program people were standing in line to speak with me. I was elated.
It was a joy for me to see and hear people response to my message. I had people coming out of their seats – waving their hands in excitement.

The audience was small (15-20 People) but they were the perfect group, ready to hear what I had to share with them.

I will be going back to conduct another workshop sometime in the future.

You can read the details of my workshop in the following posting.

Steve Hart