Saturday, December 26, 2009

Where are God's Prophets Today?

In recent years I have asked, “Where are the prophets of God today?” Who are they and are they sounding the voice of God?

Today more than ever God’s people are seeking to hear the voice of God. They feel the pressures of the world around them knowing that things are about to change. God has always spoken through his prophets to give warning, direction, and comfort.

In the Old Testament the prophet Amos spoke in chapter 3 verse 7 saying, “Surely God will do nothing but he revealed his secret unto his servants the prophets.”

Some would say the days of the prophets are over…

What do you think?

Some would say we no longer need the prophets since the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit became our personal teacher, our guide and comfort. But Eph.4:11 teaches us that Jesus gave us gifts and callings to the body of Christ to perfect us and one of them is the calling of the prophets. The prophets are to minister to us, give us knowledge, bring unity, and speak the truth in love.

God’s people have always had trouble accepting the prophets of God for they would speak the truth when we would NOT want to hear it. Therefore we have questioned their message, their creditability, lifestyles and intentions. The life of a prophet is never popular.

In the Bible the prophets would struggle with God. The prophet knew when they would speak a word of warning of the coming future…if the people listened and changed their ways...God would change the out-come leaving the prophets word in question. Read the story of Jonah.

I believe the church has pushed the prophets outside of its walls just as it has with so many others of its member due to her self-righteous judgments. There are many of God’s people un-churched today because of her judgments. But those same people still seek God for God has not forsaken them, He has loved them and he continues to speak to them.

So I ask again…

Where are the prophets? What are they saying?

Isaiah 21:6 God says, “Go set a watchman...let him declare what he sees.” The watchman stands in the watchtower looking out over the horizon to give warning to what is to come.

Just as the prophets speaks God’s word...listen to the watchman’s warnings. I believe they are alive and well today….can you hear them? Do you know who they are?

Below is an old video of the song “All Along the Watchtower” written by Bob Dylan and performed by the rock legend, Jimi Hendrix. Read and listen to the words of this song for they are prophetic.

Steve Hart

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Are you ONE with God?

In John 10:30 Jesus said, “I and my Father are one.” Whoa! To say such a thing was really serious… the following verses the Jews wanted to kill him for saying that.

Jesus prays in John 17:22 “That they may be one even as we are one.” What did he mean by this? Did he mean in “agreement” or did he mean to be “the same.”

Romans 8:15 says we are given the “Spirit of Adoption, whereby we cry Abba Father” which in the Greek means “my very own father.” Later it says we become “Joint Heirs with Christ.” Ver.17 then is goes further verse 30 which says Jesus was “the firstborn among many brethren.” Yes this means that Jesus is our brother and he was one with God the father.

In Philippians 2:5-6 it says, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Jesus Christ. Who being in the form of God thought it NOT robbery to be equal with God?”

Does this mean we too are to be equal with God? Is this possible? Are we not created in his image? Can we share the mind of God? To do so....we must raise our consciousness!

I doubt if I have convinced anyone to start calling yourself “God” but I think these scriptures are challenging us to ask, what is our relationship with God? Can you be one with God?

The reason we struggle with anything like this….we are afraid!

If we knew who we really are....then we would have to change our thinking and stop living in fear, worry, and doubt. To be one with God would require that we let go of our attachment of this world and make no excuses for acting the way we do. How are we suppose to do that?

So we continue to say we are only children of God which is a safe…since we are only innocent children and not therefore responsible for our spiritual growth or the manifesting of God's kingdom here on earth.

Man’s sin and only real sin is how we separate ourselves from GOD! It is WE who separate ourselves from God and from one another. Our egos think that is a safe place to be.

So….a man walks up to the hot dog vendor give him a twenty dollar bill and says, “Make me one with everything,” The hot dog vendor smiles and makes the man his hot dog, gives it to him. The man says, “Where is my change?” The hot dog vendor says, “Don’t you know that change comes from within?”

Steve Hart

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Unity and Consciousness

Have you ever wondered why Christians are not all in harmony when they are suppose to be born of the same Spirit?

Jesus prayed that we might be one in the spirit yet we struggle to come to agreement. Read His prayer John 17:22-23.

I will attempt to explain why we struggle to live in unity.

Here is how I would answer this….we are all born of the same Spirit of God yet we are not all on the same level of consciousness. Therefore one man’s point of view will differ from another man based upon his level of consciousness. Even in the scripture we see different levels of consciousness are expressed. For example: some Christians obey God out of fear, others surrender to God out of love. Each point of view is based upon what level of consciousness they are living at the time.

It is the work of the Holy Spirit to bring us into harmony and raise us all to higher levels of consciousness but until then we will have our differences.

Am I saying that some people are living at higher levels of consciousness than others? Yes I am. Jesus knew that mankind was not living on the same level of consciousness this is why he spoke to the multitudes in parables and to his disciples he did he best to explain their meaning. Read Matt. 13:10-11. Before his death he told the disciples the time would come when He would no longer speak to them in parables. Read John 16:25.

Jesus spoke of many mysteries but they were only mysteries to those who did NOT understand them at the time, even in John 16:12 Jesus said, "I have many this to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.” This is why it was so important that He would send the Holy Spirit for He would guide us into all truth. Read the following verse 13.

This is why the Holy Spirit has given us gifts and callings so we may use them to raise our consciousness until we all come into the unity of the faith and the full understanding of the mysteries of God. Read Eph.4:7-13 & Col.2:2.

Until then we are taught to love one another and to stop judging one another allow the Holy Spirit to teach us, each according to his or her needs.

Steve Hart