Thursday, September 23, 2010

Moving from Force into Power!

"And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." Matthew 11:12 What did this mean?

First understand that the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God are the same thing. The Greek interpretation for the words "Suffer Violence" means: the use of force. The word "Violent" means: the strong and forceful. The word "Force" means: to seize. Therefore...what I believe this means is; until then the spiritual understanding of man...or the consciousness of mankind was controlled by violent or forceful thinking. It seized people's minds which I believe was an act of survival. Allow me to further explain....

The ministry of John the Baptist prepared the way of the Kingdom of God. In that moment in history...based upon our understanding of time...a major shift in consciousness had begun. It is was what I will call "Power verses. Force" as taught by Dr. David Hawkins.

Hawkins explains that "Force" is a lower vibration of energy that has to be constantly fed by more energy like a gas has to be fed into a car to make it run....but "Power" is like Free Energy which comes from within universe in a constant state of does not have to be just is!

So the verse above is declaring that the consciousness of man's awareness was making a shift out of force the of darkness into the light of God's power.

Today the level of mankind's consciousness is collectively moving into the levels of Power which begins when man understands that he is NOT a victim, there is no one to blame for what is....we have to power to change what is into what we truly desire. It is at this moment we begin to release our attachments to this world and move into the Kingdom of God.


For more information on the teachings of Dr. David Hawkins visit my blog:

Steve Hart

Friday, September 3, 2010


How would you define Non-Attachment?

When I first became aware of this idea...I was a bit confused...and I could not properly define it.

I knew very little of the Eastern teachings on this subject...but I knew Jesus said, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." Matt. 16:24 Therefore, I thought Non-Attachment was all about "denial." It was not until in recent years that I understood that "Denial" and "Non-Attachment" are not the same thing!

I thought "deny" meant you were in a constant state of shun, refrain, or withdraw. This did not sound like joy to me...this sounded like a life without happiness. I did not understand the process. Denial is only the beginning of the process. This is why Jesus followed the word deny with "Pick up your cross and follow me."

What did that mean? It meant death and resurrection!

It meant death to my attachments... death to the power of my ego's attachments to this world.
The ego has it's serves us well until we pass on into the next dimension. But it has been programed to attach it's self to this world...Why? For the purpose of survival.

Once you have been "born from above" and received the Holy Spirit, you now have the power to be freed from your attachments...until then you are a slave to your attachments and your ego has full control of you. The Holy Spirit's work is to free you from attachments. You do Not just avoid them...that alone creates suffering. You can actually be free from attachments as though they never existed.

The work of the Holy Spirit within you is is an on-going process of transformation. Through this process you are set free from your attachments. Read Romans 12:1-2. " ye transformed by the renewing of your mind..."

You move up through the higher states of spiritual being...higher states of consciousness...this is the kingdom of God within you. 2 Corinthians 3: 17-18 "...from Glory to Glory..."

Watch the video below and allow the wisdom of God to speak to you.

Steve Hart