Thursday, April 16, 2009

Words from God

This is more of a personal note…..

I have been giving attention to my own spiritual growth and I am experiencing leaps as I raise my levels of consciousness. It’s easier once you acquaint yourself with the levels of consciousness and you learn how to measure your growth.

I am learning how to stay in the flow and how to embrace the desires of my higher self. The freedom and joy I am experiencing is empowering.

In the last year Spirit has been speaking and revealing to me new insights.

I keep hearing the words “Community” and “Social Investing.” So I have been opening myself up to what that means.

Back in 1980 my first wife, my daughters, and I lived in Chicago for a whole year in a “Common Purse” Christian Community, called JPUSA, (Jesus People USA). So, I can relate to what that means and what it takes to be able to commit yourself to that lifestyle. I will tell you now it’s not easy but it can be extremely fruitful.

But what I hear the Spirit saying is bigger than communal living.

Community is the coming together of anyone led by the Spirit, people sharing a common vision and learning how to best serve one another where ever they live.

I do see a practical need for co-housing communities to help support one another financially and spiritually. People working together and living together in separate housing family units creating a community within itself.

Here is a video clip of a community which is living in manner I am envisioning.

To accomplish such a lifestyle requires higher levels of consciousness. To live in such a community it requires spiritual growth, tolerance, patience, willingness, and love.

Social Investing

Along with this I am hearing the words, “Social Investing.” This means to reach out and learn how to inter-act with the people around you. Make more friends. Take a personal interest in others people wants and needs.

I started out by just waving and saying “Hi” to my neighbors and the strangers I would pass by where ever I go. Out of that I have started conversations and made many new acquaintances. As a result I have made new friends.

Another example of my social investing, I now keep an extra umbrella in my car. Since I live here in Florida it is common for a rain shower to come up quickly and catch people standing in the rain. If this happens I give my extra umbrella away and buy another one.

Let me recommend a book titled, “The Golden Rule of Schmoozing” written by Aye Jaye. This book will teach you how to make people feel special.

You never know when you will cash in on your social investment. Just two days ago I was in a jam and one of my new friends was happy to do some tax work for me for free and he is a CPA.

I called another new friend who is an auto mechanic for advice and drove to my broken down car and fixed it on the spot. Wow I did not expect that.

Social Networking

In the last year I have been participating in Internet Social Networking. My favorite is

This Website has allowed me to contact with the over 800 people on my Facebook friends list. I personally know 85% of that list. The rest are friends of my friends.

Through this website I am able to stay in contact with all those people at once. This brought me renewed friendships, up-dated communication, and more business.

Here is a video clip which briefly explains how it works.

I highly recommend you open a profile within Facebook. It is very easy to do so.

Start by visiting my Facebook page at:

Steve Hart

Monday, April 13, 2009

What is God-Consciousness?

Some people are afraid of the word “consciousness” since it was first made popular in America through the Eastern religions. But its meaning and application are very much a part of the teachings of Jesus.

Consciousness is a present state of being aware that you are aware of the world around you and the world within you.

Please understand not everyone is on the same level of consciousness. There are many levels. They range from earthly basic survival levels on up-ward to divine levels of awareness.

For example at the level of “Fear” one sees the world around them as unfriendly, not safe and full of danger. On a much higher level, “Love” is a forgiving, nurturing and supportive way of relating to the world.

I will go into the details of the all the levels in another posting. Right now it is important to understand what consciousness is.

In my last post I explained why Jesus did not use the word “consciousness” or “awareness.” But he did speak of it in very simple words like “knowing” which in the Greek means to “know intuitively,” in spirit not just in your mind.

“You worship and you do not know what you worship…true worshippers worship God in spirit and in truth.” John 4:22-24

Many so-called Christians go to a church and know about God but to know God is to become God-conscious. It is an intuitive connection between your spirit and the Spirit of God. It is a knowing beyond the intellect of your mind. An act of faith. An on-going spiritual experience.

When you begin to observe your actions and thoughts, that is the beginning of the God-consciousness within you. It is a level of empowerment. God’s Holy Spirit will come and dwell within you. John 14:16-17 & 16:12-13 That is when the power of God brings transformation taking you to higher and higher levels of consciousness.

"The Spirit seeks and speaks all things...the deep things of God." 1Cor. 2:10

It is the coming of God’s kingdom.

Steve Hart

Friday, April 10, 2009

What is God's Kingdom?

Please understand that God’s Kingdom is not of this world. Jesus made that clear to Pilate when he asked Jesus if he were the king of the Jews? John 18:33-37.

When the religious leaders asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come, he explained that man would not see it coming like an army for the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:20-21

So when Jesus taught us to pray for the coming of God’s kingdom (Luke 11:2) it was clear that this was a work that was to be done within mankind. In the book of Romans 14:17 it says that the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Therefore the coming of God’s kingdom can not be seen with your eyes but rather with your heart. For righteousness, peace and joy are found in the hearts of mankind. God's kingdom is a change of the heart, a transformation from within.

In John 3:1-8 Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again if he were to KNOW the kingdom of God. The King James Bible reads “see” the actual Greek is “know” which is a word that means to know intuitively.

In those days they did not use the word “awareness” or consciousness. Instead they used the word “know” or “see” to describe what must happen before the kingdom of God would be revealed.

This is why Jesus said, “God is Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24.

In the Greek the word “worship” means to have a relationship from within. To know God is to raise your consciousness to a level of vibration that is equal to God. The word “righteousness” means to be self evident without proof or demonstration. To be one with God.

Christianity has failed to teach higher levels of consciousness. They only preach salvation and a ticket into heaven when you die. They made God and heaven a far away place.

This was not the message of Jesus. He spoke of a relationship with God through the present Holy Spirit. He taught we are to KNOW God and then be transformed into his likeness. 1 Peter 1:4 says we are to share his divine nature escaping the corruption of the world. This means when we become aware of his divine nature we can be free from all pain and suffering.

In 1 John 3:2 it says Jesus will appear when we become like him and this will happen when we purify ourselves. This means we learn to let go of our worldly minds we set ourselves apart in alignment with God. This can only be done by the Holy Spirit and for he knows exactly what must be done to raise our level of awareness.

Don't stop now, free yourself from this world and share the consciousness of God's kingdom right now here on earth.

Steve Hart

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Coming Kingdom

You and the world around you is evolving.

Most people know something is coming on but they do NOT know what it is.
It is my mission to prepare as many who have eyes to see and hears to hear.

The fact that you are reading this is evidence that you are ready.

Ready for what?

Ready to prepare for the coming evolution of mankind. The coming of God's kingdom.

It is a revelation of who you are and the purposes of God in these last days.

Steve Hart