Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Purpose of Pain

Pain has a purpose…..it is to remind us of who we are.

“What?” You say...“How is it supposed to do that?”

Those who are unaware, it reminds of our human nature…those who are awakened, it reminds us that we spiritual beings having a human experience. Therefore we are press on into higher levels of consciousness to free ourselves from this pain.

If you are experiencing any form of pain and suffering then it serves you as a wake-up call to your true spirituality. Those who continue in pain and suffering have yet to understand its purpose.

Jesus said, “I have said all these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33. The Greek word for “Trouble” means anguish, distress, oppression, tribulations. Jesus taught you too can overcome this world and all it troubling pain and live with peace in your heart.

Hear this deep dark secret? Some of you will have trouble accepting this...note I tell you this in love. Ready? You maybe un-aware of this….but you have chosen to experience your pain. Before you came into this world you knew what you were doing and yet you still came here…it was a choice of love.

Once you arrived you were given an ego which hides this truth from you. The purpose of the ego was to help you survive your journey into this world. The egos purpose is centered around you...it gives you the illusion that you are separated from Spirit and those around you.

When you began to experience the pain of this world you are motivated by love to seek your true self and discover why you are here. If you choose not to accept this love...then you continue to experience the pain…until you decided to accept it. This is the love of God.

Know this….every moment you experience any pain or suffering…alert yourself to move toward love and to learn how to use it press on into higher levels of consciousness...a deeper understanding of who you really are and the purposes of God in your life.

“Having made clear to us the secret of his purpose, in agreement with the design which he had in mind and purposed for himself. “ Ephesians 1:9

Steve Hart

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