Thursday, December 23, 2010

To Worship God

How do you worship God? How would you describe your time of worship?

Most people say they worship God through prayer and by reading the word….and I would agree but that is only the beginning of worship.

The Greek word for worship is a verb…therefore it is an action word. It is what you do to show your adoration. It is inspired through your personal relationship with God. Just as like the relationships with other people you express your feelings through action.

Our need to worship God is for our benefit....God does NOT need our worship...rather it is our hearts that need this close relationship with Spirit. Worship provides us with an intimate connection which reminds us of who we are and that we belong to Him.

It begins with love…which is an attitude of the heart…an emotional response to your thoughts and feelings. If you love someone…then it is only natural that you want to express your love.

So the next step is your turn your thoughts and feeling into words….which you express to the one you love. You may write them but it is more intimate to speak those words directly to the one you love.

The next action step is how you position yourself in respect to the one you love.

The most common is to be physically close….close enough to touch. If your relationship becomes physically intimate then your worship peaks as the two become one…physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The same applies to your relationship with God. If you love God then you will feel loved and you will be given a heart of great joy, peace and gratitude….which turns into words which you speak expressing your feelings…then you draw close to Spirit by positioning your whole being before God as you yield to Spirit…which is expressed in the physical in many ways….for example the bowing of your head, closing your eyes…but you can also lift up your head and open your heart with eyes open. You may lay face down, kneel, sit or stand with your hands folded or lifted high above your head. These are all actions of worship.

It all begins with an openness of your heart. When you consciously choose gratitude you will quickly open your heart to God’s love and it vibration within your soul. Your spirit will soar and it may feel as though you are floating off the ground.

You may choose to worship God through a ritual but what I have just described to you is NOT a ritual but an act of love…inspired by a personal relationship with God through the Holy Spirit.

When Jesus was asked how and where we are to worship God...He said, God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24

What He meant was true worship is NOT a ritual…it is an attitude of the heart.

So when you come together with others to worship God it is a celebration of love. Together you may lift your hands, shout, sing and even dance as an act of love as the Spirit of the God moves upon you and through you and you become one in the spirit.

If you have never experienced this kind of worship I encourage you to first do it at home just between you and God…and then find a place where you can experience this kind of worship with others. It will bring you great joy!

This video is an example of the kind of worship I am speaking of:

Steve Hart

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