Friday, May 15, 2009

What Is A Christian?

Do you know what is a Christian or what is not?

I will make it easy...if someone does NOT sound like a Christian, look like a Christian, taste or smell like a Christian then they are NOT a Christian...Right?

You may quote Jesus and say, “A tree is known by his Fruit.” Matt. 12:33

This is true...but how well do you know your trees and their fruits?

My point is...Christians are quick to judge one another. We are all quick to judge others based upon your own understanding. Often your understanding is limited or distorted.

When the spiritual leaders questioned who Jesus was He said, “You judge after the flesh (the ego mind), I judge no man” John 8:15

So how do you know if someone is a Christian?

First thing to look their love. Jesus said, “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.” John 13:35 A disciple is one who follows and understands his teacher.

If a person shows genuine love for others and they have a relationship with Jesus/ the Holy Spirit/ God then they are a Christian.

It’s that simple...or is it?

What if someone calls themselves a Christian yet they do not express genuine love for others? Then what?

This is when love and grace reign. (Romans 5:21) Are you a Christian who has trouble loving and expressing you love to other people?

The ego mind separates you from is only loves the things of this world. A Christian must experience freedom from the ego mind.

1 John 2:15 it says, “Love not the world neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” Ouch!

There must be a transformation. This is why Jesus said, “You must be born again of the Spirit for that which is born of the flesh is flesh but that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.” (John Chapter 3) Every day the Holy Spirit takes you through this transformation process. It is the power of God which will change your life. (Acts. 1:8, Luke 24:49)

If you are a Christian and you are not experiencing love, joy and peace...then ask for help.

Steve Hart,
Life Coach/Spiritual Teacher

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Where The Streets Have No Name...

Where is this place?

Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions….” John 14:2

The word “house” in the Greek translates to “family.” And the word “mansions” in the Greek means “abode.” This is the same word used in verse 23 where Jesus says that the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will come and make their "abode" with you.

Jesus is talking about His relationship with you!
Your relationship with the family in God's Kingdom.

Could it be some Christians have mis-interpreted what Jesus meant? Are there literal mansions in heaven in the sky? Is there a place where the streets are transparent like glass as though they were made of gold, Rev. 21:21. Or was Jesus speaking of your relationships in the Kingdom of God?

When the band U2 sings "where the streets have no name"....are they singing about the Kingdom of God? Bono said in an interview that this song was about, “Transcendence, elevation, whatever you want to call it.”

Below is powerful video of lead singer Bono and the band U2 doing worship and song. You decide.

I have posted the lyrics below so you can follow along.

Be sure to listen to what Bono has to say at the end of this video!

U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name

I want to run
I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I want to reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face
See that dust cloud disappear without a trace
I want to take shelter from the poison rain
Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
Were still building
Then burning down love, burning down love
And when I go there
I go there with you...
(its all I can do)

The cities a flood
And our love turns to rust
Were beaten and blown by the wind
Trampled into dust
Ill show you a place
High on to desert plain
Where the streets have no name

The Kingdom of God is built upon relationships!

First your relationship with God and secondly your relationship with everyone within the family of God.

"I go there with you..."

Steve Hart

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Parable of the talents (Up-Dated Version, paraphrased)

Jesus told a parable about a rich man who was going to make trip to a far away country. Before he left he put his servants in charge of his goods.

To Chuck he gave one talent. To Bill he gave two talents. To Robert he gave five talents. Jesus forgot to mention Henry to whom the master gave ten talents.

Immediately the rich man took off on his long trip.

All of the servants wisely used their talents to make investments to make a profit. Except for Chuck, he took his one talent and hid it under the ground so it would be safe for the master’s return.

A long time later the master returned and immediately reckoned with his servants.

Bill quickly showed the master while he was gone he had increased his two talents for he now had four. Robert also was happy to inform the master that he too had increased his five talents for he now had ten. The master was pleased and he praised them saying. “You have done well. You have been good and faithful servants. I will make you rulers over many things. Enter into the joy of the lord!”

Next Chuck with a smile on his face held up his one talent and said look….. I know you are a hard businessman therefore when you gave me only one talent I was afraid to invest it so I hid it under the ground to keep it safe until you returned.” The master said…..”You did what?”

“You wicked and slothful servant (Meaning one who hesitates to avoid pain or sorrow)
The word "Wicked" in the Greek is “Poneros”; meaning hurtful, anguish, worthless, diseased, degeneracy. Mark 7:20-23 Matt 25:26

If you knew I was a hard businessman then the least you could have done was put your talent in the bank so it could have drawn interest.”

The master then took the one talent from Chuck and gave it to Robert, saying, “For everyone that has something will be given more…but he who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away from him!”

Then Henry stood quietly with his head bowed and the master said, “Henry I gave you ten talents….now what do you have?”

Henry said, “I invested my money in real estate, I bought several pieces of property and I rented them at a fair price knowing I could make a profit but hard times fell upon us, my renters lost their jobs, they could not pay their rent. I did my best to work with them but I could not keep up the payments and I lost my investment in bankruptcy. Now I have nothing.”

And the master said, “That is not true. You may have lost your investment. But you can not say you have nothing. Instead you have the respect, love and appreciation of those families to whom you rented. And that is something money can not buy therefore you too will enter into the joy of the lord with me and all who share the kingdom of God.”

What have you done with your talents?

I know talents in this parable is money but the same applies with your God given gifts and talents.

Do you know what your gifts and talent are? Or have you keep them hidden for fear that someone would not accept what you have to share?

Your Spiritual community needs for you to open up and share your talents.

Learn how to exercise your gifts. Serve one another by using your gifts and God will bless you with great Joy!

Steve Hart