Sunday, October 24, 2010

Be Transformed!

You will be Transformed …Transfigured…Morphed…Changed!

You will become a new creation. It all begins NOW!

It says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that if you choose to live in the Kingdom of God… then you will become a NEW CREATURE….what was old will pass away and all things will become NEW! This is the power of change…you’re given this power as a co-creation with the Spirit of God. It is a life changing experience.

When Jesus used the word, “Power” in Mark 9:1, “The kingdom of God comes with power.” That word in the Greek is the word “Dynamis” which is where we get the English word “dynamite!” It is the energy…the intensity…the might of God. That power comes from God within you. It is the same power that created all things. It is the same power that Peter, James and John saw come from within Jesus on the mount of transfiguration.

But do you really believe this? Can this be possible? How?

It is done by raising your consciousness to the truth of “What is!” How do you do that? You must be willing to open up your heart and your mind and allow this change to take place. I am talking about a spiritual transformation…the beginning of a physical transformation.

In Romans 12:2 it says this transformation happens through a process of “Renewing your mind” and by proving what is the perfect will of God. That means you allow the Holy Spirit to change your thinking….you test and experience the purposes of God. You open your heart to knowing God’s intentions, His character and His mind.

To “know“ God is to know and experience this power…it is the love of God. If you have not experienced the power of His love…then open your heart and ask for it.

It also says that you choose to no longer be conformed to this world…you let go of the attachments your ego has made with this world and embrace the things of God. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to reveal to you what exactly that is and He knows exactly how to remove those attachments as you yield to Him as described in verse one….”A living Sacrifice.”

What I have described to you is how you raise your consciousness. Your belief system will be transformed…your spiritual vision of “all things” will be altered. Your heart will be changed. You live and experience, think and behave differently. Note this is an inside job and it is NOT about restraining yourself from the world and being “Religious” but rather allowing the Holy Spirit to do this work from within you.

Steve Hart

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