Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do You Resist Evil?

Most Christians would teach…you should resist evil…but Jesus said in Matt 5:39, “Resist NOT evil...” What did Jesus mean by this? Doesn’t this appear to be contrary to what you have been taught by the Church?

Throughout history man has always battled with his enemies and if he didn’t have any enemies he would look for some, motivated by fear that if he did not protect himself he would die. It is the carnal nature of our ego’s to do so. Jesus also said in Luke 10:18-19, “…I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give to you power….over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

In Luke 9:1 it says that he gave his disciples power and authority over all devils. Today all followers of Jesus have power over the devils because of the work that Jesus completed here on earth. The battle is over...evil has no place in you. All you have to do is acknowledge the victory given to you by Jesus.

But instead of accepting victory Christians still want to do battle against Satan as though they have there own authority over him. They scream words of anger and control over the devil commanding him to obey them. This is once again an example of the ego thinking it possesses this power on its own.

God would rather we proclaim the work that has already been done speaking words of victory in love, freedom and gratitude.

Therefore when evil is exposed all you have to do is stay neutral…and claim the victory that has already been done. You don’t have to do battle with evil or the devil…if you do…you only give power to it. What you resist will persist.

Have you heard the saying what you resist, persists? This is not just a cliché. Quantum physics is demonstrating quite clearly…your thoughts give power to what ever you focus upon…therefore you cannot resist something without giving it your attention. In fact, when you resist something you are empowering it. If you push against something, by the natural law, you are giving it power and it will push back against you.

When you want to make changes in your life, make peace with "what is" and then choose what you prefer. Give attention to what you want rather than to what you don't want. Every time you complain or repeat the story about what you don't want, you are giving it power over you.

The Bible says Satan is the ruler of this world….BUT you are not of this world. Therefore be not conformed to this world…but be transformed by the renewing of your mind….read Romans 12:2.

Steve Hart

1 comment:

  1. When your not in the past, the future, or in a false emotion, you can only be in love. Pure Love cast out all fear. Including resisting the good the bad and the ugly.
