Thursday, September 22, 2011

Laugh your ego into enlightenment!

Your ego will travel with you on this earth,
And be your companion for worser or worse,
It pretends it's your friend, your bestest amigo,
And it pours on the guilt, that's the mark of the ego.

It wants to protect you, to help you be strong,
So it must keep reminding you everything's wrong,
You're lazy, you're weak, and you don't have a clue,
That's your drill sergeant ego trying to motivate you!
The ego wants you to be all you can be,
So it gives you these pep talks all day and for free,
Oh, the places you'll go and the guilt trips you'll travel,
As the ego plays judge and bangs down on its gavel.

But you always can get some relief from your shame,
By projecting it on to the others you'll blame,
For that is the ego at its beastiest best,
It nurses its grievances close to its chest.
Republicans, liberals, your parents, your ex,
The world is just teeming with folks to correct,
If only these fools would conform to your ways,
You could get on with life without further delays.

The ego keeps finding new gripes to complain about,
Turns molehills to mountains of yikes! to feel pain about,
Sometimes the ego's stuff makes you so stuffy,
You come down with a cold or an ouchy more roughy.

But there's no time for rest so get up out of bed!
If you're just here and now then you won't get ahead,
Your to-do list must buzz like the bees when they're busying,
Keep filling your days till they're endlessly dizzying.

Oh, the places you'll go and the people you'll see,
All through the lens of “What's in it for me?”
For the ego believes there is something it lacks,
And until it is found it won't let you relax.
Perhaps you will find it in the next one you date,
True love at first sight with a soul kind of mate,
The romance is hot till the climate turns cold,
Cause when two halves combine they do not make a whole,
It's fine till the love gets obscured by control,
Cause when two halves collide they cannot make a whole.

So the ego moves on ever constantly striving,
Addicted to seeking and afraid of arriving,
You're traveling fast at the speed of surviving,
With fear in the drivers seat doing the driving.
No trust is a must you must always be worried,
No peace till deceased you must always be hurried,
The joys of each moment go swishing on by,
As the ego keeps reaching for pies in the sky.
Groping and grasping with arms that are flailing,
(And the ego loves giving you F for your failings!)

Or perhaps you are on the fast track of success,
You're constantly driven to be great, better, best!
You're a mover, a shaker, a big time achiever,
You're a real self-made man, a dazzling diva.
You're rich and you're famous and make quite a splash,
You're on top of the world and you're rolling in cash,
You drive the right car and you've married the right spouse,
Today lunch with Oprah, tomorrow the White House.

But at night insecurity pays you a call,
Cause you know anytime that you could lose it all,
Your shrink says to rest and your spouse sure agrees,
Your doctor says, “Ulcers, take fourteen of these.”
You know you should slow it down sooner or later,
But your foot is just glued to the accelerator.

Your ego consoles, “Well, at least we're successful,
It's a sign of success to be constantly stressful,
You've made it to prime time and everyone loves you”
But your self-esteem's based on what others think of you.
And opinions can change in the blink of an eye,
Which is why you need meds just to sleep and get by.

One day when you've failed and succeeded enough,
You witness your ego exposed in the buff,
And you realize without all its protective clothing,
That the ego is simply a state of self-loathing.
And beyond that you find out the biggest of deals,
That you've dreamt up the ego, it's not even real!
So for richer, for poorer, in all kinds of health,
You commit to the journey of loving yourself.
You release the projections you placed upon others,
And find through forgiveness that peace is discovered,
You realize the love that you searched for outside you,
Is what you are made of and can't be denied you.
So you let go your worries, your plans, and your pills,
Put some logs on the fire and learn how to chill,
Your old superstitions have gone up in smoke,
(Like you can't rest in peace until after you croak.)
You no longer fear death or for that matter life,
Cause you know that all matters are safe and all right.

While resting in peace you will soon be inspired,
To go out in the world with some newfound desires,
Desires that spring from your heart and your soul,
And wherever they take you you're going there whole.
Cause your ego is now in the passenger seat,
It rolls down the window and takes in the treats,
You're not in a hurry you're taking it slow,
Cause the journey's as rich as the places you'll go.
Where you are going you don't need to know,
For the journey's as rich as the places you'll go.

Scott Kalechstein Grace ryhmes in his sleep. Visit his website for more inspiration, music and misc

Here is a video of Scott's reciting the above.

Monday, March 28, 2011

How Do You Know The Voice of God?

How do you know when God is speaking to you or if it is just a fleeting thought, your ego or someone else’s voice echoing in your head?

When I say the voice of God…you may think of the “still small voice” deep within your heart and I agree. It is in the silence that God is able to speak to us. That is why my time in mediation is so important. When I go to that place of peace and quite it is easier to hear God’s voice. It is my ego that that likes noise….and it wants to make a lot of noise within my head to keep me distracted…my ego does NOT understand God.

Here is the secret to knowing the voice of God. It is based upon your personal relationship with God through the Holy Spirit within your heart….the secret is…KNOW HIS NATURE!

What do I mean? To know the nature of God…means knowing what He is and knowing what He is NOT! For example…if you KNOW that God is love…then it is NOT God’s nature to hate anything.

Many Christians will say…”It is NOT the voice of God if the message is NOT found in the Bible.” And I say…that may be true but God speaks to me with words and messages that are far beyond those found in the Bible. The voice of God is personal for me and it has to be personal for you. Read 1 Corinthians 2:9-10.

I can hear the voice of God as He speaks through another person but it MUST resonant with my heart and my spirit…otherwise it means nothing to me. Beating someone over the head with Bible scriptures will not work…one must hear the message within their heart and mind.

Getting To Know God

It is the Holy Spirit’s job to reveal to you the nature of God. Open your heart…ask the Holy Spirit to teach you…as you learn and know the nature of God…you will know the voice of God for He wants to speak to your heart and give you guidance. Read John 16:13-15.

Today there are many voices who claim to be the voice of God. Use wisdom and love to discern the voice of God for your life and He will guide you and keep you in the light of His truth.

Steve Hart

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Apathy vs. Neutrality

Some would say these two words mean the same….but do they?

In war….one would give you life….the other would result in death.

If you want to end a war then both sides must surrender and agree upon a peaceful state of neutrality. If you are apathetic about it then war could continue and you could eventually become a victim of war yourself.

Some would say the word “Neutrality” represents apathy, indifference, and a lack of conviction. On the surface it may appear that way but I say neutrality are NOT the same. Neutrality is NOT indifferent…for it’s aware of the battle and it cares. Apathy sees the battle but it does not care nor does it hold any convictions. Neutrality conviction is to learn how to accept “What Is” and not react out of fear or aggression. Apathy is motivated by fear. Therefore it chooses denial and indifference to protect itself.

To be Neutral requires one to awaken….to be courageous…to raise your consciousness and open you heart and accept the truth. To do so…you must turn all the fear within your heart into the wisdom of love.

Neutrality recognizes the positive and negative force…it sees and understands how each plays their role. But Neutrality’s conviction is to hold onto peace and yet NOT judge or take sides with in the battle…instead let the battle fulfill its purpose….knowing that the end will result in peace.

How do you know the battle will end in peace? All of creation emanates from peace.

Therefore Neutrality puts its trust in the divine order of all things.

Neutrality’s intention is to bring about peace. It sees the big picture. Its purpose is to bring balance in the tension between the two opposing polls of positive and negative. If you choose to fight against the negative then you are giving power to it. The battle rages within the tension brought about when the two forces oppose one another.

But by holding on to the consciousness of peace through neutrality you will send forth vibrations into the universe which will bring about peace. You do this by recognizing the oneness of all things…then you produce healing by asking for forgiveness on behalf of the battle and give thanks for it. Forgiveness and gratitude is the key to Neutrality.

Jesus said, “May peace be with you; my peace I give to you: I give it not as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled; let it be without fear.” John 14:27

Steve Hart

For further reading see below: “Are YOU to be Armed for Battle or Armed for Peace?” and “Do You Resist Evil?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

To Worship God

How do you worship God? How would you describe your time of worship?

Most people say they worship God through prayer and by reading the word….and I would agree but that is only the beginning of worship.

The Greek word for worship is a verb…therefore it is an action word. It is what you do to show your adoration. It is inspired through your personal relationship with God. Just as like the relationships with other people you express your feelings through action.

Our need to worship God is for our benefit....God does NOT need our worship...rather it is our hearts that need this close relationship with Spirit. Worship provides us with an intimate connection which reminds us of who we are and that we belong to Him.

It begins with love…which is an attitude of the heart…an emotional response to your thoughts and feelings. If you love someone…then it is only natural that you want to express your love.

So the next step is your turn your thoughts and feeling into words….which you express to the one you love. You may write them but it is more intimate to speak those words directly to the one you love.

The next action step is how you position yourself in respect to the one you love.

The most common is to be physically close….close enough to touch. If your relationship becomes physically intimate then your worship peaks as the two become one…physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The same applies to your relationship with God. If you love God then you will feel loved and you will be given a heart of great joy, peace and gratitude….which turns into words which you speak expressing your feelings…then you draw close to Spirit by positioning your whole being before God as you yield to Spirit…which is expressed in the physical in many ways….for example the bowing of your head, closing your eyes…but you can also lift up your head and open your heart with eyes open. You may lay face down, kneel, sit or stand with your hands folded or lifted high above your head. These are all actions of worship.

It all begins with an openness of your heart. When you consciously choose gratitude you will quickly open your heart to God’s love and it vibration within your soul. Your spirit will soar and it may feel as though you are floating off the ground.

You may choose to worship God through a ritual but what I have just described to you is NOT a ritual but an act of love…inspired by a personal relationship with God through the Holy Spirit.

When Jesus was asked how and where we are to worship God...He said, God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24

What He meant was true worship is NOT a ritual…it is an attitude of the heart.

So when you come together with others to worship God it is a celebration of love. Together you may lift your hands, shout, sing and even dance as an act of love as the Spirit of the God moves upon you and through you and you become one in the spirit.

If you have never experienced this kind of worship I encourage you to first do it at home just between you and God…and then find a place where you can experience this kind of worship with others. It will bring you great joy!

This video is an example of the kind of worship I am speaking of:

Steve Hart

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Purpose of Pain

Pain has a purpose… is to remind us of who we are.

“What?” You say...“How is it supposed to do that?”

Those who are unaware, it reminds of our human nature…those who are awakened, it reminds us that we spiritual beings having a human experience. Therefore we are press on into higher levels of consciousness to free ourselves from this pain.

If you are experiencing any form of pain and suffering then it serves you as a wake-up call to your true spirituality. Those who continue in pain and suffering have yet to understand its purpose.

Jesus said, “I have said all these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33. The Greek word for “Trouble” means anguish, distress, oppression, tribulations. Jesus taught you too can overcome this world and all it troubling pain and live with peace in your heart.

Hear this deep dark secret? Some of you will have trouble accepting this...note I tell you this in love. Ready? You maybe un-aware of this….but you have chosen to experience your pain. Before you came into this world you knew what you were doing and yet you still came here…it was a choice of love.

Once you arrived you were given an ego which hides this truth from you. The purpose of the ego was to help you survive your journey into this world. The egos purpose is centered around gives you the illusion that you are separated from Spirit and those around you.

When you began to experience the pain of this world you are motivated by love to seek your true self and discover why you are here. If you choose not to accept this love...then you continue to experience the pain…until you decided to accept it. This is the love of God.

Know this….every moment you experience any pain or suffering…alert yourself to move toward love and to learn how to use it press on into higher levels of consciousness...a deeper understanding of who you really are and the purposes of God in your life.

“Having made clear to us the secret of his purpose, in agreement with the design which he had in mind and purposed for himself. “ Ephesians 1:9

Steve Hart

Monday, November 22, 2010

Be Enlightened

I find Christians often stumble over words like Enlightenment, Consciousness, “Your Higher Self” or “The Divine Within.” I know these words are used by other religions therefore Christians fear their use could lead one astray.

The truth is these words and their meaning are all found within the Bible. They may NOT be popular since they are words used to describe true spirituality vs. your average Church goer. They have a mystical sound to them and their meaning is often NOT understood correctly. But they are a part of true Christianity.

True Christianity is mystical to man’s egocentric mind. It does NOT understand the things of God. It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that these things can be understood and experienced.

Listen to what Hebrews says about Enlightenment…Once you have been enlightened, tasted the gift of God, experienced the Holy Spirit and heard God speak to you…you will experience the powers of the world to come! Heb. 6:4-5 (paraphrased)

Without enlightenment through the gift of the Holy Spirit…you can NOT hear the voice of God nor will you know the power of God. It is this power that gives you freedom from the sin of your ego and its attachment to this world. Without this power...your Christianity is only dead doctrine and an intellectual religion.

When I became a Christian the power of the Holy Spirit hit me like a bolt of lightening. I knew it was God…I knew it was love. With this power I was set free and given a new heart.

Everyday I ask the Holy Spirit to open my eyes that I experience higher levels of consciousness through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. Read Ephesians 1:18

The Greek word for enlightenment is: Photizo It means to give light or illuminate for a deeper understanding. Note this is where we get the English word “photo.”

In other words to be enlightened is to see the “Big Picture” to understand the purposes of God in all things.

Let go of your fears and ask God to enlighten you through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Steve Hart

Friday, November 19, 2010

God's Unconditional Love

Do you believe in unconditional love?

Do you believe what it says in Romans 8:38-39? "I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love which Christ Jesus our Lord shows us. We can't be separated by death or life, by angels or rulers, by anything in the present or anything in the future, by forces or powers in the world above or in the world below, or by anything else in creation."

Is that how you would describe God’s love?

Jesus said in Like 6:35 that, “God is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.”

This is without condition…correct?

I believe that God’s love is unconditional for God is Love.

“Love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1John 4:7-8

The love of man is conditional…our ego only knows how to love when it gets what it wants. If you do NOT meet up to the ego’s conditions then it will no longer love you…this so contrary to God’s unconditional love.

Understanding unconditional love requires a higher level of consciousness and true spirituality. Otherwise we find the love of God very confusing.

Some so called "Christians" see God’s love as being conditional….and they are guilty of judging others in the name of God's love. How can this be?

When man projects the ego’s love upon another and calls it God’s love this is very confusing. This is NOT God's love!

Rather Jesus knew as is says in Romans 2:4 the goodness of God always leads you to align yourself with the things of God…without condition. Is that possible? Yes but only God knows how to do is NOT our job to put conditions upon the love of God. Do you understand how this can be?

Ask God to give you this understanding and you will know unconditional love.

Steve Hart