Saturday, December 26, 2009

Where are God's Prophets Today?

In recent years I have asked, “Where are the prophets of God today?” Who are they and are they sounding the voice of God?

Today more than ever God’s people are seeking to hear the voice of God. They feel the pressures of the world around them knowing that things are about to change. God has always spoken through his prophets to give warning, direction, and comfort.

In the Old Testament the prophet Amos spoke in chapter 3 verse 7 saying, “Surely God will do nothing but he revealed his secret unto his servants the prophets.”

Some would say the days of the prophets are over…

What do you think?

Some would say we no longer need the prophets since the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit became our personal teacher, our guide and comfort. But Eph.4:11 teaches us that Jesus gave us gifts and callings to the body of Christ to perfect us and one of them is the calling of the prophets. The prophets are to minister to us, give us knowledge, bring unity, and speak the truth in love.

God’s people have always had trouble accepting the prophets of God for they would speak the truth when we would NOT want to hear it. Therefore we have questioned their message, their creditability, lifestyles and intentions. The life of a prophet is never popular.

In the Bible the prophets would struggle with God. The prophet knew when they would speak a word of warning of the coming future…if the people listened and changed their ways...God would change the out-come leaving the prophets word in question. Read the story of Jonah.

I believe the church has pushed the prophets outside of its walls just as it has with so many others of its member due to her self-righteous judgments. There are many of God’s people un-churched today because of her judgments. But those same people still seek God for God has not forsaken them, He has loved them and he continues to speak to them.

So I ask again…

Where are the prophets? What are they saying?

Isaiah 21:6 God says, “Go set a watchman...let him declare what he sees.” The watchman stands in the watchtower looking out over the horizon to give warning to what is to come.

Just as the prophets speaks God’s word...listen to the watchman’s warnings. I believe they are alive and well today….can you hear them? Do you know who they are?

Below is an old video of the song “All Along the Watchtower” written by Bob Dylan and performed by the rock legend, Jimi Hendrix. Read and listen to the words of this song for they are prophetic.

Steve Hart

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Are you ONE with God?

In John 10:30 Jesus said, “I and my Father are one.” Whoa! To say such a thing was really serious… the following verses the Jews wanted to kill him for saying that.

Jesus prays in John 17:22 “That they may be one even as we are one.” What did he mean by this? Did he mean in “agreement” or did he mean to be “the same.”

Romans 8:15 says we are given the “Spirit of Adoption, whereby we cry Abba Father” which in the Greek means “my very own father.” Later it says we become “Joint Heirs with Christ.” Ver.17 then is goes further verse 30 which says Jesus was “the firstborn among many brethren.” Yes this means that Jesus is our brother and he was one with God the father.

In Philippians 2:5-6 it says, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Jesus Christ. Who being in the form of God thought it NOT robbery to be equal with God?”

Does this mean we too are to be equal with God? Is this possible? Are we not created in his image? Can we share the mind of God? To do so....we must raise our consciousness!

I doubt if I have convinced anyone to start calling yourself “God” but I think these scriptures are challenging us to ask, what is our relationship with God? Can you be one with God?

The reason we struggle with anything like this….we are afraid!

If we knew who we really are....then we would have to change our thinking and stop living in fear, worry, and doubt. To be one with God would require that we let go of our attachment of this world and make no excuses for acting the way we do. How are we suppose to do that?

So we continue to say we are only children of God which is a safe…since we are only innocent children and not therefore responsible for our spiritual growth or the manifesting of God's kingdom here on earth.

Man’s sin and only real sin is how we separate ourselves from GOD! It is WE who separate ourselves from God and from one another. Our egos think that is a safe place to be.

So….a man walks up to the hot dog vendor give him a twenty dollar bill and says, “Make me one with everything,” The hot dog vendor smiles and makes the man his hot dog, gives it to him. The man says, “Where is my change?” The hot dog vendor says, “Don’t you know that change comes from within?”

Steve Hart

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Unity and Consciousness

Have you ever wondered why Christians are not all in harmony when they are suppose to be born of the same Spirit?

Jesus prayed that we might be one in the spirit yet we struggle to come to agreement. Read His prayer John 17:22-23.

I will attempt to explain why we struggle to live in unity.

Here is how I would answer this….we are all born of the same Spirit of God yet we are not all on the same level of consciousness. Therefore one man’s point of view will differ from another man based upon his level of consciousness. Even in the scripture we see different levels of consciousness are expressed. For example: some Christians obey God out of fear, others surrender to God out of love. Each point of view is based upon what level of consciousness they are living at the time.

It is the work of the Holy Spirit to bring us into harmony and raise us all to higher levels of consciousness but until then we will have our differences.

Am I saying that some people are living at higher levels of consciousness than others? Yes I am. Jesus knew that mankind was not living on the same level of consciousness this is why he spoke to the multitudes in parables and to his disciples he did he best to explain their meaning. Read Matt. 13:10-11. Before his death he told the disciples the time would come when He would no longer speak to them in parables. Read John 16:25.

Jesus spoke of many mysteries but they were only mysteries to those who did NOT understand them at the time, even in John 16:12 Jesus said, "I have many this to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.” This is why it was so important that He would send the Holy Spirit for He would guide us into all truth. Read the following verse 13.

This is why the Holy Spirit has given us gifts and callings so we may use them to raise our consciousness until we all come into the unity of the faith and the full understanding of the mysteries of God. Read Eph.4:7-13 & Col.2:2.

Until then we are taught to love one another and to stop judging one another allow the Holy Spirit to teach us, each according to his or her needs.

Steve Hart

Monday, September 7, 2009

Work in the Illusion

Are you working a job you hate?

Do you feel like you are supposed to be doing something else?

Consider this... is your current job a trap in the ‘matrix’?

What is the matrix you ask?
I assume you have not seen the movie “The Matrix”?

If not, let me try to explain….the matrix is the world of illusion. It’s what your ego knows as this physical world. It is a distortion of true reality. The ego tells you there is no God. It tells you there is only the physical therefore Spirit does not exist.

If you have been awakened or ‘born again of the Spirit’ then you are removing yourself from the matrix and you will begin to understand how the illusion of this world has enslaved you.

The Bible tells the story of how Adam and Eve were cast from the Garden of Eden and they and all mankind were forced to now live in a world that was cursed. Gen 3:17-19 it says that in this world man would have to work for his food. When they lived in the garden all there needs were met by God.

It was NOT the purpose of God that man would work a job he hated nor was he to ever worry about his survival. This happened when man separated himself from God.
Your ego has chosen to live in the illusion, work within the illusion and experience all the pain and suffering of the illusion.

Jesus came to free mankind from this curse and bring the kingdom of God into our world so we could once again walk with God and live in the Spirit but in physical form.

This is why Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.” Matt. 6:25-34 God knows your needs and He is able and willing to provide them for you….your work is to put your faith in Him. John 6:27-40.

I am not saying you do NOT have to work...rather your work within the kingdom is a gift from God created just for you. It will bring you great joy and satisfaction.

In the matrix everyone is taught to get an education, find a job, work that job the rest of their life so you can survive in this world then maybe you might get lucky and prosper enough to retire just before you die. This is life in the matrix.

Life in the kingdom of God is knowing God and trusting God for all your needs as you work co-creating and manifesting a prosperous world.

I heard it said that J.O.B. stood for "Just Over Broke." Your true work will not only provide all your needs but you will grow and become prosperous. Your true work is an extension of your higher self, the perfect match with your passions, strengths and talents. It is the work you were created to perform.

If you want to know what your work is...ask Spirit to show it to you and how you can manifest that work.

If you need help, I am a certified Life coach and I would be happy to help you.
Call me set an appointment for your first FREE coaching session.

Steve Hart

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Big Paradox

A logical a statement that contradicts itself; 'I always lie' this is a paradox because if it is true it must be false. ???

The big paradox:

You live in a world of duality and yet you are one with everything in that can that be?

Only by raising your consciousness will you begin to understand this paradox.

Here is short animated video I am sure you will enjoy.

If you are ready to adventure into higher levels of concsciousness, discover your "True Self" and your connection with God....I can help.

Ask me how.

Steve Hart

Saturday, July 18, 2009

God, the Transformer

Why is it that the God of the Old Testament is described as a jealous or angry god?
Then in the New Testament God is expressed through Jesus as a God of mercy and love?

Did God Change?

Is He both an angry and a loving god? Maybe God has a dual nature?

I confess in my younger years I believed this. When I read both the Old and New Testament I thought God had a dual nature…..Boy was I wrong!

The truth is....God does NOT change! We change!

God does not have a dual nature…..we do!

We all have an ego (which is attached to this world) and a spirit (which is attached to God).
All jealousy, anger, pain and suffering are produced by your EGO which is defined as Edging God Out.

If God appears to have a dual nature… that only your ego’s perception of Him.

Face it, your ego separates you from God. It has caused you confusion and it obstructs your true understanding of God...for God is love, peace, and joy. Therefore it is YOU that has to transform NOT God. He is the Transformer! Only He has the power to transform YOU!

Knowing God is a life changing experience. If you have “Awakened” or as Jesus explained it, been “Born Again” (John 3:3) then you will experience radical transformation!

To “know” God is to experience and understand Him in a personal way. To “know” God is NOT just knowledge. Many religious people have a great deal of knowledge about God but do they really “Know” him?

Look at it this way. Your relationship with God is like being in a marriage. Being in a relationship with someone is a life changing experience. I can say I “know” your spouse but that is not true unless I live with them and experience a daily relationship with them like you do, correct?

If you say you know God and your life has NOT changed then I suggest you take a good look at your relationship with God. To know God is love and experience a daily relationship with Him.

Do you know the voice of God. Do you communicate with Him through spirit? Has He changed your life?

Let your soul cry out to God and the Spirit of God will set you free from all pain and suffering. He will give you love, peace and joy. “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Rom 12:2

Steve Hart

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


If you know your personality type through the Enneagram and you want to know more....

I have taught several classes on the power of discovering your personality type through the Enneagram. People are amazed how powerful this ancient program in self-discovery.

Now I am going to teach an advanced class for those who want to learn how to use the Enneagram to further their personal/spiritual growth.

“To Know Thyself”
is the beginning of all love, joy and happiness.

The Magic of Self-Discovery

Empower yourself with the wisdom of the Enneagram.
This workshop will take you to a deeper understanding how you can use the Enneagram to transform your behavior, thinking, compulsions, relationships, change your belief system and take you to higher levels of consciousness.
Learn the secrets of the Enneagram from expert, Steve Hart.

Workshop, Saturday, July 25th, 2009
4:00 Pm to 6:00 PM
Admission FREE!
Love Offering will be taken.
“What You Love To Do” 602 Brevard Ave. Cocoa Village, FL 32922

My Best Yet...

My most recent workshop on "Power vs. Force" was my best yet….

After the program people were standing in line to speak with me. I was elated.
It was a joy for me to see and hear people response to my message. I had people coming out of their seats – waving their hands in excitement.

The audience was small (15-20 People) but they were the perfect group, ready to hear what I had to share with them.

I will be going back to conduct another workshop sometime in the future.

You can read the details of my workshop in the following posting.

Steve Hart

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Understanding Power Verses Force Workshop

Power vs. Force

Workshop: Tuesday Night, July 7th 7:00 PM,

Earth House 237 N. East. St. Indainapolis, IN 46204 317-636-4060

This workshop is taught from David Hawkins book, "Power Vs. Force."

You will be empowered, able to discern truth over falsehood, to know your true self over ego, experience enlightenment instead of Illusion.

If you are serious about your spiritual growth and you want to stop the insanity, this class will teach you how to find a new awareness in spirit and in truth.

You will be taught how to calibrate the degrees of truth and levels of consciousness.

Empower your personal development.

Discover your direct connection to the invisible universal.

You can control of your vibrational patterns.

Learn how to use Behavioral Kinesology.

Calibrate your current level of consciousness.

Behavioral Kinesology - a working tool.
“The wormhole between two universes - the physical, and the spirit - an interface between two dimensions,” says author Dr. David R. Hawkins.

This class is lead by spiritual teacher, Steve Hart from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Steve is a professional Speaker/Entertainer…traveled all of the USA teaching spiritual universal Laws, the Enneagram, and higher levels of consciousness.

FREE – Love Offering

"Perhaps the most important and significant book I've read in the past ten years." says Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Steve Hart

Friday, June 26, 2009

NOW…Discover your gifts?
(see the outline and bullet points below.)

Everyone has been given gifts from God.

Learn how to identify, enjoy, power, and exercise your gifts.

Are you using your gifts?
Do you know what your gifts are?
Great Joy and Fulfillment await you when you learn to use your gifts.

Saturday, June 27th, 2009 4:00 to 6:00 PM
Free Workshop, a love offering will be taken.

At “What You Love To Do”
602 Brevard Ave. Cocoa Village, FL 32922

You will experience a journey of Self-Discovery and Enlightenment.

Learn how to enjoy the gifts of God are hidden within you!

Workshop Leader, Steve Hart, 321-258-8132
Workshop Outline & Bullet Points

First consider how and why you give gifts to your children.

Do you withhold your gifts from your children?
Do you wait until they deserve their gifts?
Do you buy them everything they want?
Do you buy them what they need?

Do your childhood experiences effect your gift giving?

Do you enjoy giving gifts?
Do you know how to receive a gift?

Do you have feelings of being un-worthy?

Jesus said, “If you…being earthly parents know how to give good gifts unto your children…how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” Matt. 7:7-11

A gift is NOT something you earn. Ask God what are my gifts? What is my mission?

God’s gift is never taken back or lost. You may lose site of your gifts or forget what they are…you may even distort or misuse them.

But when you use the gifts that God has given to you… you will find complete happiness, love, joy and peace for they are your part of the kingdom of God. “Behold the Kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21

It is only in the giving of your gift that will benefit from it. Learn how to receive from others.

You have a mission to fill and you already have all the gifts you need to complete that mission. “For as we have many members in one body and all members have not the same office (practice.) So we be being many are one body in Christ and every one members one of another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us….” Rom. 12:4-6b”

Spirit would say to you, “Know who you are! Know that God is in every gift and it is He that is working through you as you exercise your gifts. Let love rule your giving of your gift and in return you will be blessed.”

Steve Hart

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How Will You Prepare For What is to Come?

I am not a “dooms day” preacher but I do know in these last days those who have NOT “awaken” or shall I say been “born again” will suffer greatly. ( Read John 3:3-8.)

May I remind you that everything you need has been prepared for you!

Preparations have been made for everyone but not everyone has chosen to awaken and therefore they will miss what is prepared for them.

God never intended that man suffer a separation from him. But we know true love can only be experienced through a “Free Will.” Therefore everyone has a choice to remember who they are, awaken, and fulfill there purpose here or not.

Preparations Made

You who are awakened be encouraged. Now that you have been empowered, through your awakening, you can now be enlightened to higher levels of consciousness.

Everything has been prepared for you. Everything you need to accomplish your mission here is available to you.

The power of God, along with all your gifts and strengths have been waiting for you to awaken and experience these blessings. To experience this is the kingdom of God here on earth.

Take a look at all the scripture that speak of God preparations for you.

This is one of my favorites: “…it is written, Eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him. But God has revealed them unto us by his Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things yea the deep things of God.” 1 Cor. 2:9-10

Last Days Preparations

In these last days please understand what is about to come has to happened so we can move into the “New Heaven and the New Earth.” This has all been planned. You have sent yourself here to experience this and to help serve others as they too make this shift.

You will be called to exercise and use your gifts and strengths to minister to the needs of others and they will do the same for you.

Your awareness is vital. This is why Jesus said, “Take heed to your-selves.” He went on to say, “Watch ye therefore and pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21:36

Note the words, “accounted worthy” means to be found “fit” as an athlete would when getting ready to compete in a sport. In this case it means to be spiritually fit, ready to bear or endure what is to come.

Raise Your Awareness

How do you raise your awareness?

First and most important; to give and receive the love of God. Above all things your motivation must be Love, not knowledge, but your love for God. Your relationship with God is experienced through love, joy, and peace. If not, you will never receive and completely fulfill what God has prepared for you.

Next ask God to reveal to you what he has prepared for you. Don’t be afraid of it. The secret is your “higher self” agreed to all of this before you came to earth. Therefore God will not ask you to do anything you have not already agreed to.

“We know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow he also predestinated to be conformed to the image of his Son that he might be the first born among many brethren.” Rom. 8:29-30

The word “purpose” means a proposed intention. This is your secret agreement with God and those around you. Also the word “predestinated” means in front of, to limit in advance. This is how you raise your awareness, by conforming to the nature of God.

This involves allowing Spirit to change your heart, your belief system, your expectations, transforming your ego to higher levels of functioning at the same time experiencing higher levels of enlightenment.

Levels of Awareness

You and measure your level of awareness. Once you know what level you are currently functioning at you can identify the next level allow your mind, soul and spirit to move into that consciousness.

Each level brings greater freedom, satisfaction and fulfillment.

Your spiritual growth is up to you. As you surrender your ego and open heart to receive new revelations you will grow. You will never use force but the power and the love of God to motivate your growth.

I can help you move into the higher levels of awareness. I do this being guided by the Holy Spirit of God through coaching sessions over the phone, using assessments, intuitive questioning, and mapping your progress. I help you observe what is and define what you want.

Your first coaching session is free as we determine if we are good match and discuss your needs and desired outcome.

Steve Hart
Spiritual Teacher/Life Coach

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Behold the Kingdom of God...

This is a powerful song written and recorded by Matt Maher - "As it is in heaven" The video includes the lyrics to this song. Watch it just once....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Did Jesus Say…Obey My Commandments?

In the New International Version the verse John 14:15 reads, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.”

In the King James Bible that verse reads, “If you love me, keep my commandments.”

In the original Greek word “keep” (tereo) means “to guard, fulfill, hold fast, preserve.” This is the same word used in 1 Tim 5:22 “keep yourself pure.” It does not mean obey. It is my opinion that the NIV did not make a proper interpretation.

The word “keep” is an expression of Love. You preserve and fulfill His commandment because you love God. God is looking for people who love Him not someone who lives by the law…thinking that by obeying God we can please Him.

Another Greek word for “obey” is “hupakouo” which means to hear under and the has the basic meaning of listening to or placing oneself under what is heard and therefore submitting to what is heard. It implies the idea of voluntary submission.

Hebrews 5:9 reads, “and being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.”

This is the same Greek word “hupakouo” is used for “hearken” in Acts12:13 “As Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel came to hearken, named Rhoda.” meaning one who hearkens or answers a knock and opens the door.

You submit to the lordship of Jesus because you love Him. You listen and open your heart to hear his words because you love Him. I make my choice NOT because I must obey Him for fear that I will be punished, rather I submit my will to Him because I know he loves me.

Jesus never used the words “Obey God.” He did use parables to communicate a message which only our ego would understand. Then He sent the Holy Spirit to reveal to us the truth and His true nature.

Even His own disciples did not understand his message of love until after his resurrection He sent the Holy Spirit which gave them the power of God to love one another as He loved them. It is the love of God that motivates me to change not my obedience.

Jesus was tested by the religious leaders when they asked, “Which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

His message was Love the most important commandment….NOT obeying the law or the prophets.

We keep his commandments because we love God therefore we align ourselves with God and his nature. The commandments are a way of living....motivated by love. His commandments are not a "law" to be obeyed if they were that would be saying the sinner must love God against his will.

Know the love of God. Learn to love yourself and others.

Steve Hart
Spiritual Teacher/Life Coach

Friday, May 15, 2009

What Is A Christian?

Do you know what is a Christian or what is not?

I will make it easy...if someone does NOT sound like a Christian, look like a Christian, taste or smell like a Christian then they are NOT a Christian...Right?

You may quote Jesus and say, “A tree is known by his Fruit.” Matt. 12:33

This is true...but how well do you know your trees and their fruits?

My point is...Christians are quick to judge one another. We are all quick to judge others based upon your own understanding. Often your understanding is limited or distorted.

When the spiritual leaders questioned who Jesus was He said, “You judge after the flesh (the ego mind), I judge no man” John 8:15

So how do you know if someone is a Christian?

First thing to look their love. Jesus said, “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.” John 13:35 A disciple is one who follows and understands his teacher.

If a person shows genuine love for others and they have a relationship with Jesus/ the Holy Spirit/ God then they are a Christian.

It’s that simple...or is it?

What if someone calls themselves a Christian yet they do not express genuine love for others? Then what?

This is when love and grace reign. (Romans 5:21) Are you a Christian who has trouble loving and expressing you love to other people?

The ego mind separates you from is only loves the things of this world. A Christian must experience freedom from the ego mind.

1 John 2:15 it says, “Love not the world neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” Ouch!

There must be a transformation. This is why Jesus said, “You must be born again of the Spirit for that which is born of the flesh is flesh but that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.” (John Chapter 3) Every day the Holy Spirit takes you through this transformation process. It is the power of God which will change your life. (Acts. 1:8, Luke 24:49)

If you are a Christian and you are not experiencing love, joy and peace...then ask for help.

Steve Hart,
Life Coach/Spiritual Teacher

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Where The Streets Have No Name...

Where is this place?

Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions….” John 14:2

The word “house” in the Greek translates to “family.” And the word “mansions” in the Greek means “abode.” This is the same word used in verse 23 where Jesus says that the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will come and make their "abode" with you.

Jesus is talking about His relationship with you!
Your relationship with the family in God's Kingdom.

Could it be some Christians have mis-interpreted what Jesus meant? Are there literal mansions in heaven in the sky? Is there a place where the streets are transparent like glass as though they were made of gold, Rev. 21:21. Or was Jesus speaking of your relationships in the Kingdom of God?

When the band U2 sings "where the streets have no name"....are they singing about the Kingdom of God? Bono said in an interview that this song was about, “Transcendence, elevation, whatever you want to call it.”

Below is powerful video of lead singer Bono and the band U2 doing worship and song. You decide.

I have posted the lyrics below so you can follow along.

Be sure to listen to what Bono has to say at the end of this video!

U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name

I want to run
I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I want to reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face
See that dust cloud disappear without a trace
I want to take shelter from the poison rain
Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
Were still building
Then burning down love, burning down love
And when I go there
I go there with you...
(its all I can do)

The cities a flood
And our love turns to rust
Were beaten and blown by the wind
Trampled into dust
Ill show you a place
High on to desert plain
Where the streets have no name

The Kingdom of God is built upon relationships!

First your relationship with God and secondly your relationship with everyone within the family of God.

"I go there with you..."

Steve Hart

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Parable of the talents (Up-Dated Version, paraphrased)

Jesus told a parable about a rich man who was going to make trip to a far away country. Before he left he put his servants in charge of his goods.

To Chuck he gave one talent. To Bill he gave two talents. To Robert he gave five talents. Jesus forgot to mention Henry to whom the master gave ten talents.

Immediately the rich man took off on his long trip.

All of the servants wisely used their talents to make investments to make a profit. Except for Chuck, he took his one talent and hid it under the ground so it would be safe for the master’s return.

A long time later the master returned and immediately reckoned with his servants.

Bill quickly showed the master while he was gone he had increased his two talents for he now had four. Robert also was happy to inform the master that he too had increased his five talents for he now had ten. The master was pleased and he praised them saying. “You have done well. You have been good and faithful servants. I will make you rulers over many things. Enter into the joy of the lord!”

Next Chuck with a smile on his face held up his one talent and said look….. I know you are a hard businessman therefore when you gave me only one talent I was afraid to invest it so I hid it under the ground to keep it safe until you returned.” The master said…..”You did what?”

“You wicked and slothful servant (Meaning one who hesitates to avoid pain or sorrow)
The word "Wicked" in the Greek is “Poneros”; meaning hurtful, anguish, worthless, diseased, degeneracy. Mark 7:20-23 Matt 25:26

If you knew I was a hard businessman then the least you could have done was put your talent in the bank so it could have drawn interest.”

The master then took the one talent from Chuck and gave it to Robert, saying, “For everyone that has something will be given more…but he who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away from him!”

Then Henry stood quietly with his head bowed and the master said, “Henry I gave you ten talents….now what do you have?”

Henry said, “I invested my money in real estate, I bought several pieces of property and I rented them at a fair price knowing I could make a profit but hard times fell upon us, my renters lost their jobs, they could not pay their rent. I did my best to work with them but I could not keep up the payments and I lost my investment in bankruptcy. Now I have nothing.”

And the master said, “That is not true. You may have lost your investment. But you can not say you have nothing. Instead you have the respect, love and appreciation of those families to whom you rented. And that is something money can not buy therefore you too will enter into the joy of the lord with me and all who share the kingdom of God.”

What have you done with your talents?

I know talents in this parable is money but the same applies with your God given gifts and talents.

Do you know what your gifts and talent are? Or have you keep them hidden for fear that someone would not accept what you have to share?

Your Spiritual community needs for you to open up and share your talents.

Learn how to exercise your gifts. Serve one another by using your gifts and God will bless you with great Joy!

Steve Hart

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Words from God

This is more of a personal note…..

I have been giving attention to my own spiritual growth and I am experiencing leaps as I raise my levels of consciousness. It’s easier once you acquaint yourself with the levels of consciousness and you learn how to measure your growth.

I am learning how to stay in the flow and how to embrace the desires of my higher self. The freedom and joy I am experiencing is empowering.

In the last year Spirit has been speaking and revealing to me new insights.

I keep hearing the words “Community” and “Social Investing.” So I have been opening myself up to what that means.

Back in 1980 my first wife, my daughters, and I lived in Chicago for a whole year in a “Common Purse” Christian Community, called JPUSA, (Jesus People USA). So, I can relate to what that means and what it takes to be able to commit yourself to that lifestyle. I will tell you now it’s not easy but it can be extremely fruitful.

But what I hear the Spirit saying is bigger than communal living.

Community is the coming together of anyone led by the Spirit, people sharing a common vision and learning how to best serve one another where ever they live.

I do see a practical need for co-housing communities to help support one another financially and spiritually. People working together and living together in separate housing family units creating a community within itself.

Here is a video clip of a community which is living in manner I am envisioning.

To accomplish such a lifestyle requires higher levels of consciousness. To live in such a community it requires spiritual growth, tolerance, patience, willingness, and love.

Social Investing

Along with this I am hearing the words, “Social Investing.” This means to reach out and learn how to inter-act with the people around you. Make more friends. Take a personal interest in others people wants and needs.

I started out by just waving and saying “Hi” to my neighbors and the strangers I would pass by where ever I go. Out of that I have started conversations and made many new acquaintances. As a result I have made new friends.

Another example of my social investing, I now keep an extra umbrella in my car. Since I live here in Florida it is common for a rain shower to come up quickly and catch people standing in the rain. If this happens I give my extra umbrella away and buy another one.

Let me recommend a book titled, “The Golden Rule of Schmoozing” written by Aye Jaye. This book will teach you how to make people feel special.

You never know when you will cash in on your social investment. Just two days ago I was in a jam and one of my new friends was happy to do some tax work for me for free and he is a CPA.

I called another new friend who is an auto mechanic for advice and drove to my broken down car and fixed it on the spot. Wow I did not expect that.

Social Networking

In the last year I have been participating in Internet Social Networking. My favorite is

This Website has allowed me to contact with the over 800 people on my Facebook friends list. I personally know 85% of that list. The rest are friends of my friends.

Through this website I am able to stay in contact with all those people at once. This brought me renewed friendships, up-dated communication, and more business.

Here is a video clip which briefly explains how it works.

I highly recommend you open a profile within Facebook. It is very easy to do so.

Start by visiting my Facebook page at:

Steve Hart

Monday, April 13, 2009

What is God-Consciousness?

Some people are afraid of the word “consciousness” since it was first made popular in America through the Eastern religions. But its meaning and application are very much a part of the teachings of Jesus.

Consciousness is a present state of being aware that you are aware of the world around you and the world within you.

Please understand not everyone is on the same level of consciousness. There are many levels. They range from earthly basic survival levels on up-ward to divine levels of awareness.

For example at the level of “Fear” one sees the world around them as unfriendly, not safe and full of danger. On a much higher level, “Love” is a forgiving, nurturing and supportive way of relating to the world.

I will go into the details of the all the levels in another posting. Right now it is important to understand what consciousness is.

In my last post I explained why Jesus did not use the word “consciousness” or “awareness.” But he did speak of it in very simple words like “knowing” which in the Greek means to “know intuitively,” in spirit not just in your mind.

“You worship and you do not know what you worship…true worshippers worship God in spirit and in truth.” John 4:22-24

Many so-called Christians go to a church and know about God but to know God is to become God-conscious. It is an intuitive connection between your spirit and the Spirit of God. It is a knowing beyond the intellect of your mind. An act of faith. An on-going spiritual experience.

When you begin to observe your actions and thoughts, that is the beginning of the God-consciousness within you. It is a level of empowerment. God’s Holy Spirit will come and dwell within you. John 14:16-17 & 16:12-13 That is when the power of God brings transformation taking you to higher and higher levels of consciousness.

"The Spirit seeks and speaks all things...the deep things of God." 1Cor. 2:10

It is the coming of God’s kingdom.

Steve Hart

Friday, April 10, 2009

What is God's Kingdom?

Please understand that God’s Kingdom is not of this world. Jesus made that clear to Pilate when he asked Jesus if he were the king of the Jews? John 18:33-37.

When the religious leaders asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come, he explained that man would not see it coming like an army for the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:20-21

So when Jesus taught us to pray for the coming of God’s kingdom (Luke 11:2) it was clear that this was a work that was to be done within mankind. In the book of Romans 14:17 it says that the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Therefore the coming of God’s kingdom can not be seen with your eyes but rather with your heart. For righteousness, peace and joy are found in the hearts of mankind. God's kingdom is a change of the heart, a transformation from within.

In John 3:1-8 Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again if he were to KNOW the kingdom of God. The King James Bible reads “see” the actual Greek is “know” which is a word that means to know intuitively.

In those days they did not use the word “awareness” or consciousness. Instead they used the word “know” or “see” to describe what must happen before the kingdom of God would be revealed.

This is why Jesus said, “God is Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24.

In the Greek the word “worship” means to have a relationship from within. To know God is to raise your consciousness to a level of vibration that is equal to God. The word “righteousness” means to be self evident without proof or demonstration. To be one with God.

Christianity has failed to teach higher levels of consciousness. They only preach salvation and a ticket into heaven when you die. They made God and heaven a far away place.

This was not the message of Jesus. He spoke of a relationship with God through the present Holy Spirit. He taught we are to KNOW God and then be transformed into his likeness. 1 Peter 1:4 says we are to share his divine nature escaping the corruption of the world. This means when we become aware of his divine nature we can be free from all pain and suffering.

In 1 John 3:2 it says Jesus will appear when we become like him and this will happen when we purify ourselves. This means we learn to let go of our worldly minds we set ourselves apart in alignment with God. This can only be done by the Holy Spirit and for he knows exactly what must be done to raise our level of awareness.

Don't stop now, free yourself from this world and share the consciousness of God's kingdom right now here on earth.

Steve Hart

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Coming Kingdom

You and the world around you is evolving.

Most people know something is coming on but they do NOT know what it is.
It is my mission to prepare as many who have eyes to see and hears to hear.

The fact that you are reading this is evidence that you are ready.

Ready for what?

Ready to prepare for the coming evolution of mankind. The coming of God's kingdom.

It is a revelation of who you are and the purposes of God in these last days.

Steve Hart